F2D-ITC @ Colmore Junior School

So, today we were interviewed by 2 amazing pupils at Colmore Junior school in Kings Heath, Birmingham. (See pics below)

The interview was for the children’s magazine, Home Cool kids.
We have to say….. they are definitely journalists in the making!! We were astounded by their professionalism and the quality of their interviewing skills. Their parents should be proud of them!
We went from talking about our upbringings, to what influences our designs, and to how we overcome setbacks within business. We were really blown away by how amazingly well they both handled the interview.

It was also great to meet the school head, Mr Bradshaw, Helen Pike & Home Cool Kids founder Binny. We have been invited back to the school for a Year 6 assembly next half term, which we cannot wait to attend!!
The girls also awarded us with our very own Key Principles award certificates which we were honoured to receive of course!
We had a brilliant morning at the school and it was the highlight of our day!!
We really can’t wait to get back there soon! Thank you Colmore Junior School!

Take care everyone -

Dan Gardiner