F2D-ITC @ Colmore Junior School

So, today we were interviewed by 2 amazing pupils at Colmore Junior school in Kings Heath, Birmingham. (See pics below)

The interview was for the children’s magazine, Home Cool kids.
We have to say….. they are definitely journalists in the making!! We were astounded by their professionalism and the quality of their interviewing skills. Their parents should be proud of them!
We went from talking about our upbringings, to what influences our designs, and to how we overcome setbacks within business. We were really blown away by how amazingly well they both handled the interview.

It was also great to meet the school head, Mr Bradshaw, Helen Pike & Home Cool Kids founder Binny. We have been invited back to the school for a Year 6 assembly next half term, which we cannot wait to attend!!
The girls also awarded us with our very own Key Principles award certificates which we were honoured to receive of course!
We had a brilliant morning at the school and it was the highlight of our day!!
We really can’t wait to get back there soon! Thank you Colmore Junior School!

Take care everyone -

Dan Gardiner

F2D-ITC x Birmingham Central Library ANNOUNCEMENT

After the self-publishing of our book and success of our Entrepreneur workshops in several schools, we are proud to announce our partnership with Birmingham Central Library. Covid permitting, early 2021 we will be running our Entrepreneur workshops on the business floor of the library along with our book being made available to purchase in the libraries bookshop. This is a very proud moment for us and we CANNOT WAIT to get started. Library services Business manager Yvonne Barker treated us to a tour of the library whilst we discussed ideas on how we can work together throughout 2021. Check back soon for updates. Browse the pics below!

Dan F2D



F2D ITC x Central Library


Presenting our new book….

Entrepreneurship: A Young Persons Guide

Entrepreneurship: A Young Persons Guide

We are very proud to announce the release of our new children’s non-fiction book, Entrepreneurship: A Young Persons Guide. We started the writing of this book last year October and finalised it, during lockdown. We wrote the book with a view to inspiring and encouraging young people to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow….. or maybe even today!!! The book covers various aspects of business on a basic level, understandable to young people aged between 7 to 14. We feel it’s important to teach children that ownership of a business or becoming self-employed is a realistic goal to have, which we feel is not taught enough in mainstream education. In the current climate we live in, teaching children to become self efficient is now more important then ever!

That’s where our book comes in!

The book also features a QR code on each page, that when scanned via a phone or tablet, leads the reader to a video covering each chapter of the book, using animation and narration by a member of the team. Check the video below.
Our book is available to buy on our website for £12.99 and will also be featured in schools across Birmingham and the UK. If you would to like to purchase our book, head over to our menu and hit the ‘Buy Our Book’ link. And if you would like more info, please feel free to contact me on the email below.

Dan Gardiner

School orders contact - email danf2d@gmail.com

Or call Marc - 07950189009


Believe To Achieve

Believe To Achieve



Monty and Percy! The Story So Far…

So we are halfway through our 1st projects at AET academies Percy Shurmer and Montgomery. The 9 pupils at Monty and 10 pupils at Percy have really taken to the course. It’s been an absolute joy for us getting to know them while working with them on their designs, all whilst teaching them the key aspects of business, including marketing, sales and profit, design, manufacturing and branding.
We’ve really enjoyed watching their confidence grow. And we’ve been particularly pleased with how much they have grown in their knowledge of business and entrepreneurship over the 1st 4 weeks!!
Below are some highlights of the 4 sessions at both schools so far!!

If you would like to book our services then please drop us an email - f2dinthecommunity@gmail.com


F2D ITC @ Lionheart School Of Excellence Summer Club

So we spent the week at the Lionheart school of excellence summer club, which is based at Oasis Academy Hub Hobmoor, Wash Lane, Yardley, B25 8FD.

It was an eventful week, with the kids taking part in various multi sports activities including football, tennis, tag rugby, softball, and athletics to name a few! The director of the club Richard Bell invited us down to take part in the week. We thoroughly enjoyed getting involved. We really enjoyed coaching and mentoring the kids in the various activities available. Throughout the week we gave away F2D caps to outstanding children who excelled in performance, good behaviour, sportsmanship and most improved.

We are grateful to Richard Bell, the staff at Lionheart school of excellence and Oasis Academy for the invite. All at F2D In The Community had a great week and we’re looking forward to being involved again in the future!

If you would like to join the Lionheart football school of excellence please email or call the number below-

Email - alexzander68@hotmail.co.uk Mobile - 07944277430

Check the gallery below! What a week!!


F2D ITC @ Oasis Hub Hobmoor


Starbank pupils conclude their project

After weeks of hard work, year 6 pupils at Starbank school finished their Young Fashion designers Project.

After rehearing for an hour they concluded the project with a presentation to pupils in year 6, year 3 and year 2. It was a success all round with pupils and teachers alike really loving the finished designs and the pupils knowledge of the fashion industry and processes behind it. Well done to all at Starbank school!
