“F2D ITC is a fantastic programme which has captured the interest and imagination of even our most challenging, disengaged students.  The programme encourages students to raise their personal aspirations, giving them important life lessons and allowing them to see the importance of education and making positive choices.  Dan and Marcus have become role models to some of our students; they look forward to each session and there is a genuine buzz around our school when F2D are in the building.  Thank you for all of the work you have done with our students!”

Miss K Guest - Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour and Attitudes. Arena Academy

“We really appreciate Dan and Marc fitting Cobs pupils into their busy schedule. We were a bit sceptical of how the sessions were going to be delivered as we combined two groups together, however Dan and Marc did an excellent job of making the pupils feel comfortable and also working collaboratively as a team.The sessions were very informative , we really enjoyed the experience of learning what is required to run a clothing business. The pupils were very happy that they were getting a hoodie designed by themselves. We look forward to working with yourselves again.”

Sara Khalifa - Deputy Head of Campus, City of Birmingham School

“The biggest take away from the workshop was evident through the excellent team work the young people demonstrated and learning what's possible through discussion and coming to an agreement; learning how to be creative and about all the elements in the manufacturing  process to create a hoodie certainly gave the young people some food for thought and an insight into what's involved. I witnessed some great team work during this workshop from groups of young people who are very vocal and those who are non-verbal.  From young people who know each other very well to those (in the group I worked more closely with)  that have only just met and are new to the school. I would like to think this spirit of collaboration and communication will continue.  I witnessed a young person who is non-verbal being supported by another pupil to articulate their responses and enable them to feel part of the group and included in the tasks; their pleasure was evident on their face and it was so beautiful to see. 

Hoodies have been worn proudly around school since. I have been getting very positive feedback from pupil and staff about the day. A very big thank you for me, on a personal note, it has ended the school year on a high.”

 Paula Quiney | Careers Adviser – KS3&KS4, James Brindley Academy 

“A great workshop which incorporates all the aspects we wish to deliver in our careers education; raising aspirations, liaising with employers, work experience, knowledge of careers etc. As well as developing  our students essential skills to make them career ready such as; listening, speaking, problems solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership, teamwork.”

Samantha Pearson - Careers Coordinator, The Edge Academy

“F2D came into two of our centers at James Brindley Academy to deliver to our young people. Working with our young people within a special educational setting for SEMH requires patience, engagement, understanding and reasonable adjustments. I found from witnessing how F2D worked with our young people we couldn't ask for anymore. They included all the young people from those who actively participated to those who required more encouragement and support. Everyone got involved. The young people were engaged for the whole time, we did this workshop in one day and in one classroom, apart from normal school breaks the young people stayed engaged and involved the whole time. The content of the workshop was set to be interested and understanding for all types of learner, the support and understanding from the F2D team allowed the young people to build confidence and work as a team. These valuable transferable skills will benefit our young people as communication and social interaction a key life skill.”

Rachael Turrell - Careers Adviser - Dovedale, James Brindley Academy 

“Dan and Marcus from F2D are committed, dedicated professionals who have become an integral part of our enrichment programme.  They have delivered excellent workshops as part of our careers development project which motivates the children and raises their aspirations.  As trained mentors, Dan and Marcus know how to work closely with pupils from difficult backgrounds and  impact on children's engagement, learning and self-esteem. If you are considering engaging with F2D, I would wholeheartedly recommend them, their support is invaluable.”

Michelle Court, Head of School, Four Dwellings Academy

“The F2D staff are the perfect role models for our children! Showcasing that, with hard-work, a worldwide, celebrity clientele is an achievable dream (even for children born and raised in central Birmingham). The F2D programme has instilled entrepreneurialism in the Year 6 children at Lea Forest and has enabled them to develop their confidence, communication and teamwork skills... Our children now approach unfamiliar tasks with a can-do attitude and collaborate (using their individual strengths) to tackle a multitude of problems. Their hoodie designs encapsulate our school values, their love of learning and flair for current styles... Thank you!”

Craig Clarke-Castello - Headteacher, Lea Forest Primary Academy

“F2D currently work in all of the AET Birmingham Primary Academies. They provide a mentoring and careers service to students. The workshops and provision range from working with whole classes or year groups to identified groups or individuals who require specialist support. The service they provide has direct impact on the behaviour and outcomes of the students they work with. For example, one pupil at Percy Shurmer with delayed language and lacking in confidence contributed fully to the sessions and the TA supporting the child stated that in 4 years of working with him, she had never heard him talk so much. Dan and his team are flexible in their approach and tailor each programme to suit the needs of each academy. For example in one school the focus may be on regulating behaviour with a small group of pupils, in another it may be a reward for the end of school year where pupils design and make their own hoodies or T shirts that are used as leaving gifts. Most of the programmes in place in the Academies have a focus on entrepreneurship and have a creative base, however they also have a measurable impact on the Oracy skills of those pupils and encourage debate, discussion and the use of mathematical knowledge. I believe the F2d programmes offer value for money and have no hesitation in recommending their programmes in school. I would be happy to discuss any of their programmes in more detail if contacted.”

Ruth Murad - Regional Director AET Academies

“The F2D workshops are carefully crafted to build pupils’ knowledge and understanding of
entrepreneurship. Dan and Mark are experts in their field and deliver engaging sessions
which cover a range of topics, including branding, design, marketing and sales. The project
impacts immensely on our pupils’ personal development- they have the chance to think
creatively, develop their oracy skills and work collaboratively to design their final product.
Seeing the reaction on their faces when they receive their bespoke hoodies is priceless! I
would highly recommend the workshops to schools who are interested in enhancing their
careers curriculum- it is an invaluable opportunity for all pupils.”

Nasra Hussain - Assistant head teacher, Percy Shurmer Academy

“F2D have provided inspiring careers sessions to students at Four Dwellings Academy since 2021. Students have an opportunity to learn the skills required to be an entrepreneur whilst learning about marketing. F2D tells a story of how entrepreneurship has enabled them to develop their business with a clear 'hook' as their clothes have been worn by numerous celebrities.The sessions are delivered in an engaging and interesting manner. Students work as a Management Team to negotiate, influence and persuade others before agreeing their designs, learning many of the skills required for the real world.It is the one project that all students want to do. Students genuinely talk with enthusiasm and affection about the project.”

James Alcock - Deputy Head, Four Dwellings Secondary

“Our pupils have worked with Dan and his colleagues, designing their own clothing, for a number of years now. The children have all enjoyed the sessions and it has been lovely to see their confidence and understanding of business enterprise develop. The sessions have enabled the children to learn about entrepreneurship and express their creativity. We look forward to working with Dan again this year.”

Tiyana Thompson - Assistant Head, Montgomery Primary Academy

“The Year 10 students were engaged and enjoyed the activities throughout. The content was good and related to business and design (very current and up to date). Skills developed - team work, problem solving, communication, presentation. An excellent day!

Holly Poole - Assistant Head, Bournville School

“As the member of staff organising the event, I was delighted with the tasks the Year 9 Students were set and the immediate rapport they had with our students. It was so pleasing to see them engaged for long periods of time and see them work together so well.”

Wendy Gray - Assistant Principal, Fairfax School

“F2D provided an inspirational and engaging series of workshops. The students loved creating, designing and marketing their hoodies and wear them with pride. The F2D team were energetic and linked the project to the world of work and industry. We look forward to working with them in future!”

Lauren Taylor - Acting Head Teacher, Reach AP School

“Bellfield Junior School booked F2D as a recommendation from an external consultant. What a good recommendation that was! The children were thoroughly engaged throughout each and every session - regardless of background or ability - as they could see real purpose to their learning. The fact the children also got to have their designs made (quality items!) and to keep them meant that they were motivated - and had a huge smile when presenting these to each other and family. F2D are now in the diary for our Y5 next year - and will be an annual booking from now on. Well worth every penny in times of tight budgets.”

Nigel Attwood, Headteacher, Bellfield School

“We have engaged with the support that is offered by F2D for three school terms now, I can say with no hesitation that the program has added value to the lives of the young people in our school. The feedback from the pupils in regards to the leaders is that they are supportive and very clear on the end objectives of the program. Dan and Marcus as course leaders are always in constant communication with leaders in school and this is very much appreciated. The course content covers many areas of the curriculum areas and the advice and guidance they give to some of our more challenging pupils helps the pastoral team break down barriers to learning. I have already recommended this service to many other schools within my network and will continue to do so moving forward.”

Danny Williams , Head of Key Stage 4 & Lead DSL,Waverley Studio College 

F2D ran a workshop with some of our Year 10 students and the feedback from our students has been amazing!
The entrepreneurial workshop sees students explore different aspects of a business indulging sales, marketing and branding. It shows students different elements that they need to consider when they say to us "I want to run my own business'. Students got the opportunity to work in teams to design and create a hoodie which the F2D team will produce for them so they can actually wear their own creations!
Feedback for Dan, Marcus and Gary, who ran the session included;
"I learnt about manufacturing and the design process"
"I learnt that companies spend a lot on marketing their products"
"The workshop helped me with my team working and social skills"
"Today, I learnt a lot, it was good".
Thanks to Dan and the F2D Team and we hope to see you back at Plantsbrook very soon!

Mrs Dullea, Careers Adviser - Plantsbrook School

“F2D came highly recommended to me- when I found out what they did, I just had to have them in to work with some of my Year Group! I wasn't disappointed. The pupils were engaged from the very start. The activities had them gripped and the project of the Hoodies was a fabulous experience for the young people. The programme gave them a real insight into marketing, branding, the whole design process and entrepreneurship. Dan and the team are fabulous and really take the time to get to know the young people and are able to relate to them in a way, many cannot.I would most definitely recommend them to anyone wanting to inspire young entrepreneurs and to raise aspirations.”

Priti Odedra - Assistant Head, Holte School

“The fifteen year 9 students who took part in this 6-week programme really enjoyed the sessions. Every week, they gave 100% effort, and their focus was outstanding. The weekly sessions gave the students the opportunity to build on their business and entrepreneurship skills. F2D ITC helped the students to be more confident and not shy away from the project. The project was a worthwhile and timely project, and I will be collaborating with F2D ITC again in the future.” 

Rav Lally – Assistant Headteacher, Jewellery Quarter Academy

“A group of year 10 students, who have been failed by mainstream education, took part in F2D’s entrepreneurship course. They learnt how to design a product, market it and build a successful brand. More importantly, they learnt how to work together, listen to each other and show leadership. Watching their ideas grow from a simple sketch to a real life product made the group believe that they too can grow, they learnt to believe in themselves and they got results! The pride on their faces when they saw what their work had become was a joy to see. For some of these students this is the first time they felt they could get their ideas heard, the first time they felt they had a valuable contribution to make. We hope to build on that success and continue to develop their sense of self-worth, making sure they remember that they can get results when they put the effort in.”

Charlotte Poynton - Assistant Principal, Edge Academy

“F2D provided an engaging and inspirational series of workshops at Four Dwellings to allow students to explore entrepreneurship. The sessions covered many aspects of careers education including marketing, sales and branding, and were highly motivational. Students worked as a board of directors to make group decisions developing their personal and social skills in developing their final product. The workshop finale was a presentation to the whole year group with an overview of their learning journey and a showcase of their final product. There was excitement and a room full of hands when students were asked who would like to be part of the next set of workshops.”

James Alcock - Deputy Head, Four Dwellings Academy

“F2D In the Community is a skills-based course that allows pupils to progress in many areas across the curriculum through an engaging and interactive route. Over the duration of the sessions at Starbank, pupils were given the opportunity to design their initial design, implement the manufacturing process, think carefully about the marketing needed and then finally to pitch their product as a final design. In addition to the educational skills that were developed, pupils were also using their social and communication skills through the regular interactions and consistent teamwork that was needed. One of the main areas that pupils had a chance to appreciate and understand was the business side of designing and manufacturing a product. This was a real eye opener for the pupils as they learnt that there were many skills needed in order to reach the end stage of the process.”

Kiran Bhalru - Year 6 phase leader Starbank School

“The children involved in this project thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a range of valuable skills for when they will enter the adult world. They were encouraged to work as a team, share ideas and build upon others' work as well as how to work in an organised and systematic way. Dan worked well especially in bringing out confidence in some of the more reserved children and consistently pushed the children to challenge and extend themselves. The project was well worth the time investment and I hope that we can be involved in it again in the future.”

Mark Steele - Year 6 teacher Starbank School

“Daniel and his F2D In The Community team provided Lionheart (LFSE) with excellent and outstanding support during the Oasis Academy Lionhearts Summer Camp. They offered support on our Happy, Healthy Holiday program as sports leaders during sessions of fun within football, softball, tennis and water sports, engaging well with all participants in good sportsmanship encouraging team work. I would like to thank Daniel and his team for their excellent support work during the summer holidays of 2019.”

Richard Bell - Lionhearts Sports Club founder, PE Teacher